New and Improved

For the past couple months, a team and I have been working diligently to give the practice a new look and to expand our online presence.  We've worked through designs, content, photos, development and strategy for relaunching the practice's online presence,  and here we are!  We are finally ready to show you what we've been working on!

The first thing you'll notice is our name change!  We're still the same practice, but with a new, shorter name.  We also have a new logo!

We are aiming to bring more content to you from the comfort of your home.  We will share posts about healthy eating and recipes, remedies for ailments, do-it-yourself tutorials, explaining conditions, and supplements.  We want to educate as many people as possible about preventative care and tips to pursue a healthy life!

We will be posting new content weekly on our Facebook, Instagram, and Blog.  If you haven't yet, please follow us so you'll be the first to know about new content, news, and announcements.

Thanks for joining us on this journey toward health.  We can't wait to share this with you!

None of this would be possible without the wonderful team we worked with.

Web Design + Brand Development Manager: Suzanna Hendricks
Copy Writer: Meredith Kane
Brand Photographer: Kelsey Cherry
Logo Design: Katie McKenzie
Makeup Artist: Vanessa Helene
Digital Communication: Gabby Watson