Hot Flashes

Good ol’ hot flashes. I would say that almost 50% of the women I see suffer with them. I constantly hear from people that you can't do anything about it and that it's normal for everyone at a certain age to have them. 

NOT TRUE.  NOT TRUE at all.  It may be true that most people have them, but it doesn't make it NORMAL.  Guess what?! There are all natural supplements that can help!  No need for hormone replacement therapy which throws your body out of whack!

Yes it is very common for women going through the big, awful, dreaded menopause to have hot flashes, however it does not have to be that way!  I remember traveling with my mom in the winter time - the windows were rolled down while we were all shivering and yelling for her to roll up the windows.  About 5 minutes into the windows being up, she would roll them back down.

Up, down, up, down.  I don't know how we all didn't catch colds from that or frost bite! 

After getting her on a supplement regimen she is hot flash free!  It is not an overnight process but it is something that can be done fairly quickly.  Also ask Lori.  She very rarely, if ever, has had a hot flash and she will be proud to tell you why. 

Hot flashes are a way to let you know that your hormone producing glands (thyroid, adrenals, ovaries, pituitary, hypothalamus) are out of sync.  When women go through menopause they rely on the adrenals to make the sex hormones (instead of the ovaries).  Guess what body part has been stressed all your life and now you are asking it to do just one more job... the adrenals!

Your adrenal glands aka stress glands are supposed to help you cope and deal with stressors in your life.  In most people they never get a chance to take a breather. Stress can be good or bad and it doesn’t have to be one large stress to over work them. It could be having little children, taking care of your elderly parents, having a job you love but has a lot of pressure attached to it, not getting enough sleep at night because you are so busy, etc. The adrenals have a right to be tired. So when they have to do one more job because the ovaries go into ‘retirement’ the adrenals/stress glands just can’t keep up and you get symptoms as a result.

The liver also plays a huge role in the process too.  It is the major detox center in your body which is a huge job. Not only does it filter out toxins but excess hormones too. Another way I think of the liver is a hormone gate keeper. It the gate keeper is stuck shut (‘clogged up’ or worn out) excess hormones can’t get out effectively and that can cause stereotypical menopausal symptoms.

Your body is going through a shift and anytime you personally go through a change there is always a transition period, right? So why not prepare your body ahead of time before the change occurs.  Or if you happen to be in the full swing of things and have any signs or issues (hot flashes or anything else) let us know.  Please don't be fooled that this is normal.  Let us help you with those changes in life!